If this isn't a true story then, as me old Irish mother would say, it bloody well should be…
Yer man was taking his new Harley, his pride and joy, on a touring trip across Ireland. For a miracle, the weather held fine as he rolled sonorously through Athlone and across to the glorious west and old Galway. The road was twisty, but the air was soft and clear; not another vehicle to be seen
As the road opened out for a half-mile straight before the next bend, he gave it a bit of wrist just for the hell of it. The exhaust rumbled nicely, echoing off the ring of the Nine Bens in the distance. He saw a perky little open-top sports car coming towards him in the distance from around the bend, going at a fair old lick. As it was about to pass him, our hero raised his hand in good natured salute, only to change it swiftly to the one-digit international road signal as the stunning blonde driver screamed "PIG!" at him as she passed.
"And to hell with you too, you miserable cow!" he muttered, as he rounded the bend… The impact with the huge sow sitting in the middle of the road didn’t seem to bother the animal at all, but it did bend Milwaukee’s finest quite a bit…